Saturday, September 5, 2009

As Good As It Gets

Long back, I saw this movie Terminal One. Tom Hanks and Tom Hanks and Tom Hanks all the way. Lovely movie loosely based on this real life character who is holed up in Charles De Gaulle at Paris. If you haven’t already, go watch the movie…you wouldn’t regret it.

The movie set me thinking and I have been trying to put form to my thoughts. You may not like what is being written so stop here go on to something else and get rid of the incoherence (as u may deem it) that follows. For all those who dare of venture beyond please do so at your own peril and if u do reach the end please drop me a line to let u know u did by penning your thoughts on the comments section.

Getting back to business, it’s amazing how simple things leave one dumbfounded every once in a while. Why is simplicity the hardest thing to live up to? Simple is beautiful then why do we aspire for the complex? Anyway that’s perhaps a mute point for a lot of us and perhaps one that doesn’t deserve too much attention. What if guys we were holed up in a terminal space of our mind and not allowed to view what lay ahead for us, how would we know what is the difference between inside and the outside (reminds me the of dream sequence in the Matrix) How does it feel to be a hostage of our own thoughts. The tough deal is we don’t realize of the captivity till we get free of it. Some of us don’t even realize once we are set free.

As much as my humble cognitive abilities allow me, I feel we are all holed up in some terminals of our mind. We are not as liberated as we think we are. I work with a group of really talented bunch of people. Wouldn’t give them up for anything. I see them everyday going about their work. Smiles, frowns, pain, happiness all of it in true blood and sweat. I watch them struggle with themselves. Fight with what they are and what they can be….a fight to the end I hope. I can best summarize the whole experience with a statement that one of the folks often throws up at me:

“I can see only as far as I can see.”

How do you liberate one from the bounds that he/she places on him/her? I would perhaps say you can see only as far as you want to see.

We are all mired in the daemons of our own creations….restricted by bounds we place on our self…justified by explanations our mind cooks up for us and we choose to believe. As for me, I am the worst of the lot. I am engulfed in incomprehensible, amorphous, futile and divergent thoughts. But hey what can I do. I am what I am and we are what we are and that’s what keeps us hooked on to one another. Isn’t this beautiful? I find it pulsating.

Sometimes I find it amazing…mere acceptance of the current state absolves me from the responsibility of changing it.

I don’t know where this is leading….I don’t even know how to bring it all together. Lemme finish with part of this song that I heard sometime back…

"I have been searching my soul tonight. I know there is so much more to life"
"I have been searching my soul tonight. Don’t wanna be alone in life"
"Baby I have been holding back now, my whole life. I have decided to move on now"
"Gonna leave the world behind. I have been searchn for my soul tonight"

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