Friday, March 27, 2009

Question of Answers...

Does a Sunset End when the Sun sets...
Does a Three Day event Last Three Days...
How Long does a Moment of Love Last...
How Much Time is Too Much time...
If Little Knowledge is Dangerous then why is Ignorace Bliss...
Where does existing stop and living begin...
I wish I had answers to some or all of the above...but then on second thoughts am I really looking for the I really need the answers. If it is the "question that drives us", which I believe it is, then I need to search for new questions.
We are bounded by our what we can see or have seen (someone told me that is experience). I guess its time to liberate the thoughts from the realm of possibilities and impossibilities...
Bon Voyage.


Adventurist said...

the questions that you asked are around perceptions and relativity...

To do what is present and plan for the future is the path to lead. Why question the obvious, is'nt that common sence... its not learnt its felt..

tillicomeupwithone said...

I think when one stops asking questions one starts living.. i wish rationality and reason could explain everything